I am pleased to announce that a show I curated at Artspace New Haven is opening this week featuring the work of Jennifer Davies, Karen Dow, Alisa Dworsky and Martha Lewis. The opening is 5-8 this coming Friday the 8th in New Haven. Come by if you can!
I will post install shots and the curatorial statement later this month, but I wanted to let you know about the opening and that it will be up until January 25, 2014.
On Lou Reed’s passing:
Matt Krefting, a musician, writer and a friend, wrote a moving and deeply personal eulogy to Lou Reed on his blog that I truly enjoyed. The internet seems to agree with me seeing as Huffington Post put it up last week.
It is incredible to consider how important our relationships with artists and musicians that we never meet (my case, not Matt’s) can be. Lou Reed’s music, his own and as part of the Velvet Underground, were influential not only throughout the modern history of music but in the visual and performing arts as well.
Krefting writes: ”How many lines can you possibly quote in tribute? Almost all of them. “Ride into the sun.” “Here come the bells.” “Death means a lot to me.” “Something flickered for a minute and then it vanished and was gone.” “Linger on.” “I’m beginning to see the light.” “I’m set free.” “I am the water boy.” “Stick a fork in their ass and turn them over, they’re done.” “It’s so cold in Alaska.” “Set the twilight reeling.” “I’m glad I spent it with you.” “I want to fly away.” “Please don’t slip away.” “Why don’t you just slip away?”
But the one that sends the biggest shudder down my spine today is this:
“Now the coal black sea waits for me me me
The coal black sea waits forever
When I leave this joint
at some further point
The same coal black sea will it be waiting”
Make sure you read this post and the postscript at kreftingmoondawn.wordpress.com/